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a blur about the artist

Thoughts, visions, and dreams are what manifest itself on a blank piece of paper or canvas. Many of the pieces are not pre conceived, but are created in the moment when the medium is placed on its surface. Allowing the subconscious to penetrate reality and make its way to the canvas. 


Born June 1981, in the windy city of Chicago, raised in the Pilsen neighborhood.


During high school, Kira attended the early college program at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Amazed and influenced by the creativity, she was determined to continue her studies there and applied for college.  There she studied, painting, film and animation. 


Kira continues to create artwork, which is heavily influenced by some of the great and famous surrealist painters. 


She has participated in several festivals and gallery events.


After several years of instructing step by step painting workshops, she has teamed up with another Pilsen artist and opened a new paint studio called The Surreal Rabbit. She is also a part of the Mujeres Mutantes womens art collaborative.


Take what you will from this blur, but please never forget that every piece of artwork is a reflection of who the artist is.   


© 1981 KiraAguirre. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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